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Make workplaces better, for everyone

Engaging, innovative and easy-to-use online training solutions that change perspectives, achieve compliance and elevate culture

See the difference

Change Perspectives

We combine story-based learning with cinematic production quality and instructional design to create the most engaging eLearning experience available.

Our courses offer new insights through real-life stories, relatable scenes and meaningful interactive exercises that help participants discover practical ways to affect positive change. Hear what our customers say and find out why learners rate our courses a 9.2 out of 10.

Achieve Compliance

Compliance can be daunting—but we're here to help. Our 100% compliant courses and 99% average learner completion rate help ensure full participation and keep you current with changing federal laws and new state requirements.

And because our eLearning platform is designed to fit your needs, implementation is seamless, and administration is a breeze.

elevate culture

Elevate Culture

We’re on a mission to help you create and maintain a work environment where everyone feels included and valued.

Because our Harassment Prevention and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion courses are designed to change behaviors, you’ll get the most effective tools to elevate your culture. After training, 97% of learners report they can better identify and deal with issues.

Partnered with the nation’s premier HR professional society​

See the difference for yourself:

Our award-winning training is different than anything you have seen before. 100% original video content – no stock videos or talking heads.

Get instant access to a full-length preview of our Harassment Prevention courses today.