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COVID-19 and Remote Work
Compliance Resources

We remain committed to guiding you through these uncertain times

Keep Your Workplace Safe

Covid-19: Staying Safe in Your Workplace

There are several critical measures that you, as an employer, need to take to protect employees from COVID-19 in the workplace, whether your organization has remained open during the COVID-19 crisis or you are planning to reopen worksites. As outlined by the CDC, to operate safely, you will need to conduct a hazard assessment of your worksites, create a site plan, and train your employees.

This interactive online course, featuring characters sharing their workplace experiences, shows employees that they each have a role to play in keeping the workplace safe and following your site plan. Read More arrow down


Create a Safe and Inclusive Remote Work Environment

As your workforces adapt to the reality of work-from-anywhere, help your supervisors and employees navigate challenges that can arise in remote work settings now and into the future by sharing these all-new free micro-learning video modules and guides. Our high-quality video scenarios are designed to engage learners and effect change.

Unwelcome Romantic Interest Online

Incidents of unwelcome romantic attention that occur in a remote work setting must be taken just as seriously as those which occur in the physical workplace. This kind of behavior can be a form of unlawful workplace harassment. While unsolicited romantic conduct may take different forms online, whether it occurs online or in person, it is inappropriate and creates a hostile work environment. Remote work and virtual communication tools not only blur the boundaries between personal life and work, but can also increase the risk of inappropriate behaviors going unchecked. This training video will equip employees with the tools to prevent and address issues of unsolicited romantic interest in the remote workplace and help them stay safe and productive.

This micro-learning episode illustrates how romantic attention that is unwelcome can occur in remote situations and how this conduct negatively impacts the recipient. This training episode also provides practical and effective ways remote employees can respond to this kind of behavior and provides tips for maintaining appropriate and productive working relationships.

Bullying in the Remote Workplace

Is your organization equipped to prevent, identify and address abusive or bullying behavior in a remote work environment?

In this episode, you'll see how abusive conduct online can occur in various forms and make team cohesion in a virtual workplace more challenging. Abusive behaviors, like the ones illustrated in this video by the character Tate, lower employee morale, erode collaboration, and negatively impact company culture and employee retention. There are ways you can share your thoughts without crossing a line or being overly critical. You'll also learn tips on how you can promote positivity and effective communication in your remote teams.

Video-conferencing: Do's and Don'ts

Many organizations are experiencing what it's like for their workforce to operate remotely in some capacity for the first time. We need to be aware of the unique challenges this can present for our teams and understand how we can help our workforce thrive in a new work environment. When using virtual communication tools like video conferencing, the boundaries between personal life and work can get blurred with the click of a button.Read More arrow down


Additional Resources

What to do if third-party harassment occurs during a video conference call

As a growing number of organizations have rapidly moved to remote work for the first time, many teams are relying on video conferencing (and often multiple virtual communication tools) to connect with others. While it is easy to overlook these work communication platforms as avenues for harassment, it is now more important than ever to be aware of the ways in which harassment can take place, and to ensure our teams are prepared to prevent and report this kind of behavior.

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