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We make workplaces better, for everyone

Kantola is an innovative eLearning company focused on diversity, equity, & inclusion and harassment prevention. We are committed to helping organizations make their workplaces better, for everyone—through world-class training solutions that change perspectives, achieve compliance and elevate culture.

Good training can captivate and educate employees, and in turn bring about lasting change within an organization, change that is then carried out into the world. -Sarah Rowell, CEO

We don't just train. We transform.

99 %

learner completion

97 %

can better identify
and deal with issues

9 .2 / 10

learner rating score

98 %

better understand
DEI and why it

We're trusted because we care

We treat every client like a partner, working with them individually to understand their unique needs and delivering solutions tailored to their specific goals.


organizations depend on us


customer retention

73 NPS

"World Class" Net Promoter score of 73 means unrivaled customer satisfaction

We partner with the best.

Strategic partners like Littler and SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), enable us to tap into top legal experts in the field and connect to thousands of HR professionals.

  • the world's largest employement law

  • &
  • the top accociation for HR

Our standards set us apart.

Creating quality training is both our choice and our passion.

That's how we attract the industry's most brilliant innovators to create an immersive learning experience like no other.

Quality training requires artistry, skill, and accumulated experience. We draw from our vast experience to produce innovative, thought-provoking and engaging material, driven by energy, creativity and ambition.

Experience makes
the difference.

Our cinematic productions include intricate staging, premium actors, top directors, precision techniques and deliberate editing choices. Nuanced, relatable, real-life, scenarios are infused with interactive activities that engage, inform and enlighten.

Quality brings
learning to life.

Because we are different, passionate and driven to be the best, we’re a magnet for people who feel the same way. That's how we produce the best harassment prevention and diversity, equity and inclusion training available in the industry.

Excellence builds
on excellence.



Shape a modern interactive eLearning course

We begin by drawing from our extensive customer base with thousands of organizations to conduct hundreds of interviews and review millions of data learning points. Top legal and HR expertise from our partners, Littler and SHRM, round out our ability to make the most sophisticated content choices. We use this knowledge to create story boards, launch instructional design, and initiate script writing.


Pre-production groundwork

With a focus on authenticity, we start by finding real people to share their experiences. To make stories come to life, we head to Hollywood where we tap into a density of talent—working with casting directors to go through hundreds of casting tapes and deploying location scouts to find film settings that will feel most real and relatable. At the same time, we build course architecture, linking stories to specific learning points


Create a cinematic quality production

This is where conceptualization and planning come together. Top industry directors and a highly experienced crew take every detail into account when staging the set and beginning the film work. As with any high-quality film production, every scene is shot multiple times from various angles. On-set and remote staff confer with the crew on film quality and authenticity of scenarios, ensuring a vividly cinematic production.


Edit the film and develop the course

At this stage, we comb through raw footage in search of the highest quality segments. Working with a top industry colorist, we adjust color corrections and grading, establishing visual tone and atmospherics. Through intricate editing, we then stitch together scenes that will amplify for greatest impact. Lastly, instructional design and interactive components are further refined to flawlessly fit with film footage.


Implement proprietary software

Because innovation is Kantola's hallmark, our tech team is continually refining our proprietary software, delivered through our industry-leading Learning Management System or via SCORM to the customer's LMS. Savvy tech solutions are combined with practical knowledge of your HR management needs to make implementation a breeze—offering seamless integration, simple administration and effortless learning.


Engage learners and teams

Finally, we connect with millions of learners and thousands of HR teams who rely on us for their training solutions. Our customer care team steps in to ensure we deliver on our customer promises to change perspectives, achieve compliance and elevate culture. Because excellence builds on itself, we leverage our competitive advantage to continually create innovative, fresh, on-point training that produces unrivaled results.